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Key Research Topics


Characterizing these Materials for Rare Earth Extraction

  1. Gain a fundamental understanding of the presence, chemical nature and associations of critical mineral products in geologic formations, along with such secondary sources as coal and other mining waste streams and metallurgical waste dumps, electronic waste and sludges from the treatment of acid mine drainage and byproduct water from the oil and gas industry.
  2. Understand geologic controls affecting the concentrations of critical minerals in rocks (chemical analyses and mineralogy of core samples from industry). This involves extensive utilization of Penn State's Laboratory for Analysis of Strategic Element Resources (LASER).
  3. Study grinding and liberation of minerals and critical materials, distributive properties, basic laboratory separation science using gravity, magnetic, electrostatic and flotation techniques, examine leaching, roasting/calcining behavior of, and other novel processes for extraction and separation/purification while advancing the fundamentals and developing technologies for sustainable recovery of critical materials from these alternative resources.
  4. Develop financial models and project values utilizing realistic models for field-scale processes for mineral recovery and detailed databases for costs and price projections.
  5. Analyze alternate economic and policy scenarios an d develop policy guidelines for implementation of field projects.
  6. Provide technical support for commercial project development activities associated with bridging value chain gaps.